As a company that specializes in irrigation systems within the Greater Wilmington Area, our JB Lawn Sprinklers Irrigation Technicians often get questions about well drilling in our area. As water costs with Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) continue to rise, customers are looking for options to decrease or eliminate their water bill altogether. Fortunately, irrigation wells are a great option to reduce your water bill, get access to clean water, and decrease your dependency on outside water sources. There are many factors to consider when talking about irrigation wells, both relating to depth and location. Throughout this blog we’ll walk you through the irrigation well details and what we see most commonly in the Wilmington and Brunswick County area.


When looking at a shallow water well compared to a deep water well, there are benefits to each option. For deep water wells, the water tends to be better quality. The water contains lower levels of iron and has less of a chance for contaminants.  This is because deep well pumps can pull water from distances of several hundred feet! The benefits of shallow water wells are they are less expensive to drill compared to deep water wells. Considering this water is used primarily for irrigation, iron is not a major factor for plant or grass growth. However, iron and tannins can cause unsightly staining in hardscapes.


New Hanover County has 2 aquifers that are easily accessible, the Castle Hayne Aquifer which is a shallow water aquifer around 50 feet down and the Pee Dee Aquifer around 180 feet deep, making it a deep-water aquifer. Just like many wells, the Castle Hayne Aquifer has some iron content; while the Pee Dee Aquifer has little to no iron. Both aquifers offer plenty of volume. 

Brunswick County, on the other hand, only offers only shallow water wells as deep water wells typically have salt content. These shallow water wells, like New Hanover County, have iron deposits. Most are low-volume aquifers depending on your area. Beaches within Brunswick County do not allow wells deeper than 50 feet, and outside of Oak Island, there are no permits needed for irrigation wells.

jb lawn sprinklers wilmington nc


JB Lawn Sprinklers is an Irrigation, Drainage, and Landscape Lighting focused company here in the Wilmington area. We’ve been in business over 15 years and always try to be a resource to our customers. If you have any questions about irrigation wells or other irrigation related topics, please feel free to reach out to our office at 910-794-8042 or contact us online at our website.